SouthCoast Wind (formerly Mayflower Wind) Project Information


LINKS (some YouTube videos, previously viewed on FCTV, may start with ads or require you to scroll left to the beginning of the meeting):

Town of Falmouth website – Off Shore Wind page
SouthCoast Wind website –  Falmouth connection

12/19/2022: Watch the Select Board meeting denying Mayflower Wind new agreements.  On YouTube, after the ads, scroll to 1:08 through 1:55.

6/8/22: Watch the Select Board Mayflower Wind Open Forum (see 6/28/22 post below)

3/3/2022: Watch the Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House Video

11/17/21: Read the Mayflower Wind petition for exemptions from local Zoning Bylaws, 507 pages

ALL FHMNA website posts beginning October 3, 2020:

Posted 6/9/24: Offshore Wind / Informational Presentation – in Falmouth, on Sunday, June 30, 2024

Posted 3/24/24: Clarification: Shell Sells Its Half of South Coast Wind

Posted 3/24/24: Shell sells stake in SouthCoast Wind Energy to Ocean Winds North America

Posted 3/15/24: Falmouth Board Opposes Losing Local Control Over Renewable Energy Projects

Posted 3/9/24:  Falmouth Heights Remains Option for SouthCoast Wind Despite Portsmouth Vote 

Posted 2/12/24: Letter #2 to Mr. Judge, Undersecretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs

Posted 2/1/24: “Close to the Wind” Summit (Report)

Posted 1/15/24: Wind Energy & Outfall Pipe Update: Planning Board, April Town Meeting, Water Quality Management Committee & Save Greater Dowses Beach Summit 1/27

Posted 1/5/24: Save Greater Dowses Beach activists to hold a “Summit” on January 27 – open to the public

Posted 12/19/23: SouthCoast Wind Update & UConn Survey (Postcard)

Posted 11/30/23: SouthCoast Wind Project Remains Paused in Falmouth

Posted 11/18/23: Barnstable Public Meeting Discusses Cables Under Beaches & Streets.   This includes a Boston Globe article that has a number of informative links.

Posted 11/12/23: Response fromt the Undersecretary of Energy, Commonwealth of Massachusetts 

Posted 11/7/23: FHMNA Letter to MA Energy & Environmental Affairs Concerning SouthCoast Wind’s Proposed Cables Through Falmouth Heights

Posted 10/17/23: FHMNA Email to Select Board, 10/11/23, regarding Barnstable letter & offshore wind.  

Posted 10/6/23:  SouthCoast Wind Update re. Rebids Due In January, 2024 

Posted 9/15/23: $550,000 OK’d For Ocean Outfall Data Collection 

Posted 9/6/23: Researchers Study Falmouth Residents Attitudes to SouthCoast Wind  

Posted 9/26/23: MA Energy Department Supports Scaapping Wind Contract 

Posted 6/19/23: SouthCoast Wind Files 45-Day Update with MA Energy Facilities Siting Board

Posted 6/16/23: Southcoast To Back Out of Brayton Point Power Agreement  

Posted 6/11/23: Two Related Articles re. Southcoast Wind: SCW Walkiing Away; Plans to Rebid in the Future  

Posted 5/7/23: The Falmouth Enterprise 5/5/23 Letter to the Editor

Posted 4/21/23: New Commissions Will Tackle Entergy Siting Offshore Wind Pressure Points  

Posted 4/14/23: The Falmouth Enterprise 4/14/23 Article 15: (Article & Letters)

Posted 4/14/23: Town Meeting April 11, 2023 Voting Results for Article 25 – Appropriation for the Teaticket Acapesket Service Area Sewer Project (some discussion of outfall pipe)  

Posted 4/10/23: Town Meeting, April 10, 2023: Voting RESULTS Article 15 (denied)

Posted 4/9/2023: Falmouth Enterprise – 13 Letters to the Editor Published 4/7/23 

Postsed 4/8/2023: Heights Targeted for Ocean Outfall Pipe  

Posted 4/7/23: Substations in Falmouth & Barnstable (Covell’s Beach) 

Posted 4/6/23: Whales and Windmills – Letter to the Editor 3/31/23 & National Wind Watch Website 

Posted 4/5/23: FHMNA Response to Enterprise Editorial 3/31/23 to be Published 4/7/23 

Posted 4/4/23: SouthCoast Wind Draft Environmental Impact Study Comment Period Extended Until 4/18/23

Posted 4/2/23:  SouthCoast Wind, Article 15 – Letter to the Editor “Really Green?” 

Posted 4/2/23: REMINDER: April 10, 2023 Annual Town Meeting to Vote on Article 15 & FHMNA Letter Emailed to All Town Meeting Members

Posted 4/1/23: Enterprise Editorial re. FHMNA Mission Statement & SouthCoast Wind published 3/31/23

Posted 3/31/23: SouthCoast Wind – Enterprise 3/24/23 Articles & Letters to the Editor

Posted 3/18/23: SouthCoast Wind: Falmouth Enterprise Articles and Letters to the Editor, 3/17/23, 3/10/23 and 3/3/23 

Posted 3/10/23:  Enterprise Offers FHMNA Opportunity to Submit a “Guest Commentary”  regarding Town Meeting Article 15 

Posted 3/1/23: ATTEND VIRTUAL MEETINGS or MAKE COMMENTS: SouthCoast Wind Publishes Draft Environmental Impact Study

Posted 2/28/23: Article 15 – Indefinite Postponement Recommended by the Select Board  

Posted 2/25/23: Letters to the Editor, Falmouth Enterprise 2/24/23, pages 4-6   

Posted 2/23/23:  SouthCoast Wind Answers Questions Raised At The June 8, 2023 Select Board Open Forum  

Posted 2/22/23: FHMNA Letter to the Editor Friday 2/24/23; SouthCoase Wind Sticks and Stones  

Posted 2/20/23: Letters to the Editor, Falmouth Enterprise 2/17/23  

Posted 2/20/23: Select Board to Hear Public Comment on ARTICLE 15 on 2/27/23 

Posted 2/13/23:  Three Letters to the Editor Printed 2/10/23, Falmouth Enterprise, pages 5-6

Posted 2/11/23:  Select Board Monday 2/13/23 Discussion of Petition Articles (including offshore  wind developers’ rights)

Posted 2/1/23:  Mayflower Wind changes name to SouthCoast Wind

Posted 1/31/23: “New England states propose coordinated transmission development to support wind power” New Hampshire Public Radio

Posted 1/28/23: Enterprise Letter to the Editor by Donald F. Mallinson 1/23/23

Posted 1/27/23: Falmouth Town Meeting to Vote on Mayflower Wind 

Posted 1/25/23: Mayflower Wind’s lawyer has filed the following document with the Mass EFSB

Posted 1/20/23: Osterville: “Save Our Beach” Video with Power Point Presentation is a Must See

Posted 1/14/23:  Falmouth Enterprise – 2 Letters to the Editor and the Editor’s Note 

Posted 1/11/23:  Mayflower Wind Undaunted: Still Plans to Land Cables in Falmouth 

Posted 1/7/23: Mayflower Wind: Enterprise EDITORIAL and 17 Letters to the Editor (12/23, 12/30, 1/6) including full text of FHMNA President stating our position

Posted 1/6/23: 4 Recent News Articles re. Mayflower Wind, MA, ME & NJ (inc. Enterprise 12/19 SB report)

Posted 12/21/22:  Falmouth Select Board Denies Mayflower Wind’s Request on 12/19/22 to Renew Expired Agreements and Request to add Kite Park as a 3rd Access Point

Posted 8/29/22:  FHMNA Educates Falmouth Residents About Mayflower Wind’s Intentions   

Published 8/26/22: Article #3: Falmouth Enterprise half page, page 3 (double click on image to enlarge).

Posted 8/5/22: Falmouth Attorney Confirms the State Has the Authority to Override Decision if Select Board and Town Meeting Vote to Deny Mayflower Wind’s Request for Falmouth Landfall

Posted 7/30/22:   Mayflower Wind’s Announcement of a Motion to Temporarily Suspend Their Petition for Landfall in Falmouth 

Posted 7/12/22:  Mayflower Wind’s Sponsorship of Falmouth Fireworks Sparks Debate

Posted 7/4/22: Boston Globe Mentions Falmouth Heights and Mayflower Wind

Posted 6/28/22: Did You Watch the Select Board Mayflower Wind Open Forum June 8, 2022?  If not, you may want to because it included much more than what was published in The Falmouth Enterprise.

Published 6/10/22: Article #2: Falmouth Enterprise half page (click on this link to view),

Posted 6/3/22:  “Stop Mayflower Wind Through Our Neighborhoods” Ad Not Published by the Enterprise  

Posted 5/29/22:  Help Us STOP Mayflower Wind Going Through Falmouth Neighborhoods  

Posted 5/28/22:  Mayflower Wind Cables Still Slated for Falmouth Landing Despite Confusing News Articles 

Posted 5/18/22: Falmouth Select Board Hosts Public Forumm on Mayflower Wind Proposal (Media Release)

Posted 5/10/22: Select Board Public Forum re Mayflower Wind Cable Project, Wednesday, June 8, 6PM  

Posted 5/2/22:Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House 5/4/22, Brayton Point, Somerset, MA (not Falmouth) announcement

Posted 4/21/22:  Select Board to Host Public Forum to Discuss Mayflower Wind Cable Project   

Posted 4/16/22:  Mayflower Wind’s Plans for Falmouth Include Substation the Size of Falmouth Mall 

Posted 4/8/22:  STOP Mayflower Wind’s Cables Signs (Falmouth Enterprise)

Posted 4/2/22: Vineyard Wind Cable Installations at Covell’s Beach, Centerville (Next to Craigville Beach, Barnstable)

Posted 4/2/22: Links: Falmouth & MA Online Reports, Exponent Reports (Falmouth Consulting Engineer); Note Regarding Host Community Agreement (not yet public)

Posted 3/27/22: Important Update: FHMNA’s Ongoing Efforts to Oppose Mayflower Wind’s Project Proposal 

Published 3/25/22: Article #1: Falmouth Enterprise quarter page, 3/25/22  (double  click  on  image  to  enlarge)

Posted 3/25/22: Select Board Executive Session 3/28/22, Mayflower Wind  

Posted 3/24/22: Mayflower Wind Hearing Postponed – WXTK Radio 

Posted 3/23/22: Mayflower Wind Hearing Postponed – Falmouth Enterprise  

Posted 3/21/22: Mayflower Wind EFSB Public Comment Hearing 3/24/22 Postponed – Letter from Mayflower Wind

Posted 3/20/22: Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House (March 3, 2022) Can Now Be Viewed Online

Posted 3/16/22 (edited 3/19): Falmouth Select Board Plans On Airing Concerns Over Mayflower Wind At Public Hearing AND Select Board Plans Full Airing of Mayflower Wind Project 

Posted 3/15/22: Falmouth Energy Committee March 9, 2022 & DPU 21-143 Mayflower Wind Request

Posted 3/14/22: FHMNA Opposition Letter to Select Board Regarding Mayflower Wind (3/13/22)

Emailed to members 3/12/22: Select Board Executive Session Agenda for 3/14, Mayflower Wind “value of cable easements”.

Posted 3/10/22: Mayflower Wind Energy LLC Notice of Adjudication and Public Comment Hearing

Posted 2/16/22: Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House Specifically  for the Falmouth Community 3/3/22 6:30-7:30 

Posted 2/24/22: FHMNA Letter to Town Meeting Members re: Cables Transiting the Heights

Posted 2/5/22: Mayflower Wind – Letter to the Editor “Falmouth Nuisance Bylaw” 

Posted 2/4/22: Mayflower Wind – Letter to the Editor and FHMNA Rebuttal

Posted 1/28/22: Mayflower Wind: Heights residents Melanie and Steve Markowski – Letter to the Editor “Many Unanswered Questions“, Falmouth Enterprise, Friday, January 21, 2022 page 5.

Posted 1/26/22: Letter from Kelsey Perry regarding Clarification of Agenda for the Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House 1/27/2022

Posted 1/18/22: Letters to the Editor re. Mayflower Wind Project, Published by the Falmouth Enterprise on January 14, 2022 (including a letter from the FHMNA President).

Posted 1/7/22:   Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House Thursday, 1/27/22, 6:30-7:30 

Posted 1/1/22: Mayflower Wind: Falmouth Enterprise 12/31/21 Editorial Sums It Up

Posted 12/25/21: Select Board 12/20/21 10-Minute Update on Mayflower Wind Cable Project Turns Into 35 Minutes with Citizen Comments

Posted 12/19/21: Cape Cod Times 12/17/21: Wind Power Pipeline Set to Double

Posted 12/19/21: Comments Due 21 Days From 12/17/21: Federal Consistency Review – Mayflower Wind Project

Posted 12/18/21: Mayflower Wind Member Survey Results & Call to Action: Select Board 12/20/21 Agenda – Mayflower Wind Discussion

Posted 12/13/21: Clarification of the Mayflower Wind Petition and our email of 12/6/21 “Mayflower Wind Petitions Filed 11/17/21 with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs”

Posted 12/9/21: Mayflower Wind Public Notice of Environmental Review ENF Access Information 

Posted 12/6/21: Notice of Environmental Review Project: Mayflower Wind (Falmouth Connector) – Comments requested

Posted 12/6/21: Mayflower Wind Petitions Filed 11/17/21 With the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Posted 11/3/21: Open Letter from Mayflower Wind Requesting Public Comment

Posted 9/27/21: Mayflower Wind rejects Surf Drive as a cable landfall site.

Posted 8/4/21: FHMNA Annual Meeting, Saturday, August 7, 2020. Agenda item #5: Mayflower Wind Discussion (including question and answer session).  (As of 9/19/21, the Annual Meeting Minutes have not been posted yet.  Until posting, you may request a draft copy by emailing us.)

8/2/21: Read the FHMNA Frequently Asked Questions, answered by Mayflower

Posted 5/23/21: Enterprise Articles: Mayflower Wind & Shipwrecked (restaurant).

Posted 5/17/21: Select Board Chooses Independent Consultant (Mayflower Wind Project).

Posted 5/3/21: FHMNA: Mayflower Wind Virtual Open House May 18, 2021 6:30-7:30.

Posted 3/5/21: Mayflower Wind Bore Holes & Select Board Agenda. Includes photos.

Posted 2/27/21: Mayflower Wind 2/26/21 Newsletter (article) and the newsletter itself.

Posted 2/15/21: Cable Boring Test to Begin Tomorrow (Tuesday, 2/16/21).

Posted 2/12/21: Mayflower Wind 1/27/21 ZOOM Presentation for FHMNA Members.

Posted 1/15/21: Hold the date (1/27/21) – Mayflower Wind / FHMNA Zoom Presentation.

Posted 11/15/20: Mayflower Wind: Links to News Articles & YouTube Meeting.

Posted 11/10/20: Mayflower Wind Request for Bore Hole Testing Approved by Select Board. 

Posted 11/8/20:  Information About and From Mayflower Wind.

Posted 10/31/20: Mayflower Wind Update.

From 10/26/20: The Select Board discussed the matter but no vote was taken. Here is the discussion from their minutes online: “5. Announcements:  Chair English Braga noted many emails about the Mayflower project have been received and read. Mr. Brown and Ms. Taylor met with Mayflower last week, outlined their concerns, and the information that would be helpful. Ms. Taylor believed they were clear about the lack of information, particularly around health and safety. Making sure information is made to the public before going forward. The Select Board is charged with getting the information and making decision that is best for Town. Mr. Jones noted the later item on the agenda has nothing to do with Mayflower.”

Posted 10/12/20: Vote Delayed on Mayflower Wind/Heights Beach Parking Lot Bore Holes.

From 10/5/20: Select Board minutes:  No vote was taken to approve MayFlower Wind’s request to conduct test boring at the Heights Beach Parking Lot, Surf Drive Beach or Blacksmith Shop Road sites because the Board did not yet have clearance from the town lawyer on this matter.

Posted 10/3/20: CALL TO ACTION: Select Board to VOTE Monday, 10/5/20 – Heights Beach to be studied for an underground cable transfer from an 804-megawatt wind farm located more than 20 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard to an inland substation.