Benefits of Membership

• Members vote at our Annual Meeting (the first Saturday of every August) on issues pertinent to our Mission and Guest Speakers talk about current relevant issues.

• Members receive support, direction, and possible action by the Board regarding specific concerns.

• Members join their neighbors in ongoing efforts to continually improve our community and are invited to free parties in the Spring and Fall.

• Email Members are notified electronically any time there are relevant Town committee or other meetings so that they may participate by attending or contacting the relevant committee.  Email Members are also notified whenever we post a new article or whenever we substantially change the website.

• Members are invited to play an active role by participating (volunteering) on our committees or by becoming a Director.

• Members are invited to social activities (including parties and clean-up days) whenever we schedule them.

• Members names and contact information is kept anonymous. We do not share our membership list and we “blind copy” all emails in order to maintain confidentiality.

TO JOIN or RENEW, please click here.