Falmouth Select Board Tightens Entertainment Regulations

By DEVIN ANKENEY, Falmouth Enterprise online, Jul 18, 2024 and Friday edition, July 19, 2024, pages 1 & 16. Falmouth businesses that serve alcohol are now subject to new, stricter entertainment regulations. The Falmouth Select Board voted on Monday, July 15, that those businesses must take steps to limit sound from the entertainment, so it cannot …

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Cape Cod Towns Upping July 4 Beach Patrols After Unruly 2023

The following excerpt was from an article posted in the Patch on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.  Montana Samuels, Patch Staff FALMOUTH, MA — In 2023, Falmouth police said the town’s beaches “were left an utter disaster” after the July 4 weekend.   That won’t be the case in 2024. This week, Falmouth police officials announced that, …

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Select Board Open Hearing: Outdoor Entertainment Regulations, July 15, 2024

Select Board Open Hearing: Outdoor Entertainment Regulations, July 15, 2024  At the Select Board (SB) meeting on Monday June 3, 2024, there was a Business agenda item to “discuss and vote to approve an entertainment regulation and amendments to the special events use policy”. Because the Entertainment Regulation is a “regulation”, it requires a Public …

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Police Coverage at Heights & Bristol Beaches

FHMNA has recently heard from Sergeant Jim Cummings, our contact at the Falmouth Police Department (FPD), regarding this year’s plans for the Heights and Bristol beaches. The FPD will have a Civilian Service Representative (CSR) assigned to the Heights area for the summer, beginning shifts on July 1st. This coverage will be for at least …

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Offshore Wind / Informational Presentation – in Falmouth, on Sunday, June 30, 2024

As previously reported, in January 2024 FHMNA participated in the “Close to the Wind” summit in Hyannis which was sponsored by our coalition partner the “Save Dowses Beach” group.  This was a very well organized event summarizing various aspects of the offshore wind generation projects affecting the south shore of Cape Cod, as well as elsewhere. The Summit was …

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FHMNA Annual Spring Clean-Up Saturday, April 27, 2024, Report With Photos

Over twenty-five members of the Falmouth Heights Maravista Neighborhood Association met at 9 AM on Saturday, April 27, 2024 for coffee and donuts before heading out to pay homage to Mother Earth by cleaning up the streets, parks, cliffs, bluffs and sidewalks of the Falmouth Heights and Maravista neighborhoods. Several members who participated commented after …

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Conservation Commission Wed. 4/24, 7 PM: Outfall Pipe – review test borings on Kite Park for Ocean Wastewater Outfall Pipe

REQUESTS FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY Amy Lowell, Town of Falmouth, Nantucket Sound and 0 Grand Avenue (Map/parcel: 46B-03-003- 000), Falmouth, MA – For permission to conduct seven geotechnical test borings. Read the 15 page application here: Grand Ave & Nantucket Sound (TOF Wastewater) RDA Submittal 04 10 2024 The FCC is scheduled to hear a “Request …

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Craigville Beach Rally, 4/20/24, 11am – 1pm

As part of FHMNA’s coalition participation with Barnstable in objecting to wind developers’ cables being routed through our respective residential communities, we have been invited to attend a rally at Craigville Beach on April 20, 2024 from 11am to 1pm. The host, “Barnstable Speaks”, has lined up 5 speakers to discuss such matters as: –  home …

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Falmouth’s Great Bay Street In Rough Shape; Town Working On Solution

By GILDA GEIST, 3/22/2022 (both online and in print on page 9 of The Falmouth Enterprise). The town is working with an engineering consultant to figure out what to do about an ongoing erosion problems along Great Bay Street, which is located on the banks of Great Pond on the Maravista peninsula. Wind and stormwater …

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Clarification: Shell Sells Its Half of South Coast Wind

Shell Sells Its Half Of SouthCoast Wind To Joint Venture Partner By GILDA GEIST, published both online 3/22/24 and in The Falmouth Enterprise printed edition, page 2. Up until Wednesday, March 20, the SouthCoast Wind project was a 50/50 joint venture between Shell New Energies and Ocean Winds. Now, Ocean Winds has acquired full ownership …

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