Vineyard Wind Cable Installation at Covell’s Beach, Centerville (next to Craigville Beach, Barnstable)

Falmouth Heights – Maravista Neighborhood Association President, Dave Buzanoski, emailed the following 4 aerial photos and letter to the Falmouth Select Board on 3/27/2022 and to Town Meeting Members on 4/2/2022.

I write in reference to our various correspondence with respect to our health and safety concerns regarding this invasive project, and to our subsequent opposition to their 1200mw cables being onboarded at Falmouth Heights (at either Worcester Ave or Central Park Ave).

In my last communication with the Select Board, I had suggested that board members should consider visiting “Vineyard Wind’s” onboarding site at Covell’s Beach parking lot to see for themselves exactly what an excavation of this size and type would entail.  Keep in mind that “Vineyard Wind” has only two(2) cables and 800mw, whereas “Mayflower” proposes three(3) cables and 1200mw.  Therefore, the proposed Mayflower construction would be at least 1/3 larger than that of Vineyard Wind.

As the adage goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  I have attached hereto four (4) recently taken aerial photographs of the Covell’s Beach site.  The photos reflect the site after the directional drilling has taken place and the two (2) subsea conduits (pipes) were put in place, but before the cables have been pulled through and the transition vaults buried.

Please try to imagine this construction site in the Heights and impacting the whole town.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Buzanoski
Falmouth Heights – Maravista Neighborhood Association