Ongoing Activities and Past Accomplishments

Ongoing Activities of FHMNA 

  • Maintain reciprocal lines of communication with the DPW, Conservation Commission, Traffic Advisory Committee, Town Meeting, Falmouth Road Race Committee and Beach Committee via FHMNA board-appointed liaisons who attend meetings to represent neighborhood interests in all matters before those bodies.
  • Contribute annually to Robert T. Smith Scholarship Fund, currently allocated at $1,000 per year.
  • Maintain membership in The Falmouth Water Stewards (previously Falmouth Association of Estuaries and Salt Ponds (FACES).
  • Promote and participate in Annual April Spring Town Cleanup to clean Heights and Maravista parklands.
  • Host annual June Spring Social.
  • Host annual September Fall Social.
  • Maintain “Little Library” on Worcester Court at Nantucket Avenue.

List of Notable Activities, Contributions and Accomplishments

8/2023 – 7/2024

  • Scheduled 3 Fall Socials, all of which were cancelled due to inclement weather.

8/2022 – 7/2023

  • Scheduled 1 Spring Social, which was cancelled due to inclement weather.

Kept members up to date on various issues of concern:

  • SouthCoast Wind Project Information page (formerly named Mayflower Wind)
  • Falmouth’s planned outfall pipe and future sewering.

8/2021 – 7/2022

  • Created new page on website “Mayflower Wind Project Information” containing important links and all news published on this website.
  • Held Fall Pizza Party at Shipwrecked Restaurant, 10/17/21.’

Kept members up to date on various issues of concern:

  • Mayflower Wind Project
  • Shipwrecked entertainment license and one-day events
  • Cape Cod Marathon 10/31/21 (cancelled due to inclement weather)

7/2020 – 7/2021

Kept members up to date on various issues of concern:

  • Beach issues, especially Covid19 related
  • Mayflower Wind request to test bore holes at the Heights Beach parking lot for transfer cables from offshore wind farm
  • Helmis Circle 40B updates (2017 through final approval and sale to developers in May, 2021)

7/2019 – 6/2020

  • “Little Library”:  Applied for and received permission by the Falmouth Select Board to have the DPW install a “Little Library” on Worcester Court at Nantucket Avenue.  FHMNA is committed to maintaining this year-round mini-library as a community  service. 5/20

Kept members up to date on various issues of concern:

  • Beach staffing
  • New Balance Falmouth Road Race 8/19
  • Traffic Advisory Committee Decisions
  • Annual Meeting 8/19
  • August Dinner Dance 8/19
  • Co-Presidents elected 9/19
  • Wastewater Management Plan
  • Coastal Protection
  • Grinder Pump update, including tax credit
  • Illegal parking
  • Volunteering for Cape Cod Marathon 9/19
  • Black Dog Heights Cafe entertainment application (postponed due to COVID19) 3/20
  • Changes/cancellations due to COVID19, starting 3/20

6/2018 – 6/2019
Installed commemorative plaque honoring Rod Baltz, past President and active member for over 50 years, on the flag park at the corner of Grand, Wyoming and Fairmont Avenues.

Investigated issue of illegal parking on Kite Park and residential properties.

Kept members up-to-date on various matters of concern:

  • Water Kiosk installed at Heights Ballfield
  • End of 2018 Summer Beach Committee review to Selectmen
  • Great Bay road closures
  • November 2018 & April 2019 Town Meeting – 2nd Water Meter not approved in either meeting
  • Little Pond Sewer Service Area (LPSSA) – Garbage disposals allowed
  • Worcester Court/Ave. Beautification Project
  • Proposed 40B project on Helmis Circle (“Little Pond Village”)
  • Black Dog Heights CafĂ© (opening & liquor license)
  • Maravista sidewalk improvements

6/2017 – 6/2018
Instrumental in having the Town quickly resolve the issue of grinder pumps freezing up in the January deep freeze at no cost to the owners.

Kept members up-to-date on various matters of concern:

  • Little Pond Sewer Service Area (LPSSA)
  • Worcester Court/Ave. Beautification Project
  • LPSSA Betterment Decrease
  • Grinder Pump warrantee requirements
  • LPSSA septic tank/sewer hookup tax credits
  • Prompt Town resolution of frozen grinder pumps at no cost to owners
  • Explanation of increased sewer costs
  • Proposed 40B project on Helmis Circle (“Little Pond Village”)
  • Town plans for flood insurance discounts

Beach issues:

  • Instrumental in November, 2017 Town Meeting positive  vote to authorize the Selectmen to regulate beach rules.
  • Participated in Beach Committee meetings and Selectmen’s Open Hearing resulting in the Beach Department’s commitment to hire an extra an extra weekend parking attendant to monitor and report to lifeguards issues that might hamper the safety of beach-goers.


  • Lobbied the Beach Committee, the Board of Selectmen and Town Meeting to institute changes to existing beach bylaws, policies and rules in order to make our neighborhood beaches more family-friendly.
  • Completed 4 year revision of FHMNA bylaws; first revision since their creation in 1972.
  • Organized a “Clean Up Day” in April.  Thirty people collected 35 bags of trash in the Heights and Maravista.
  • Worked with DPW and other Town Officials to ensure Worcester Court improvements would honor neighbors’ concerns.


  • Organized and sponsored an informational Expo where property owners in the Little Pond Sewer Service Area could meet with a variety contractors and lenders involved in the mandated sewer hookup.


  • Promoted the concept and worked with MacDougall’s on the replacement of their equipment’s high pitched back-up alarms with white noise “silent” back up alarms.
  • Changed our name from Falmouth Heights-Maravista Improvement Association (FHMIA) to Falmouth Heights-Maravista Neighborhood Association (FHMNA).
  • Worked with the Island Queen and supported their traffic management policies to keep large tour buses from becoming traffic issues in our neighborhood.


  • Supported Board of Selectman decision to permit Lennon Fest on Heights ball field as an alcohol-free event.


  • Successfully supported the continuation of Bristol Beach as a sticker-only beach.
  • Donated a defibrillator to the Beach Department Committee for ongoing use at Falmouth Heights Beach.


  • Promoted and supported the creation of an evening beach parking lot attendant position at the Falmouth Heights beach lot to ensure orderly night time use.


  • Contributed to the Quiet Roads Associates for road noise signs (to curb load motorcycles and other vehicles) at entrances to Town of Falmouth (approved and installed by the Town).
  • Provided and maintained perennials on the Crescent Circle traffic island from 2003 through 2010. The Falmouth Beautification Council currently maintains this as part of their Adopt-A-Garden program.


  • Cntributed to legal fees incurred during appeal of Board of Selectmen’s decision to allow weddings at the kite park on Grand Avenue.     


  • Contributed to HarborWatch for legal fees incurred in appeal of Zoning Board decision to allow MacDougalls’ Cape Cod Marine Services, Inc. to build a tall solid vinyl fence on Grand Avenue. As a result of this suit, MacDougalls’ withdrew their request.


  • Funded placement of commemorative bench at Heights ball field seating area in honor of Elvira Goodwin, the donor of the land.

2002 and 2007 

  • Purchased and installed “Welcome to Falmouth Heights” sign at Crescent Circle traffic island. Replaced in 2007 with a more permanently installed sign.


  • Contributed to Falmouth Fire Department toward cost of camera that sees through smoke to find victims.

1970s through 1980s

  • Raised and disbursed over $25,000 in legal fees involved in successful lawsuit against Brothers Four (later Yesterday’s) regarding zoning issues and improper use of their licenses.
  • 1986 – 87: Initiated repair of coastal erosion of the Heights Bluffs through the Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission with work eventually completed by the DPW (see 1986 Heights Bluff Erosion Treatment Plan).