Falmouth Heights – Maravista
Neighborhood Association

Mission Statement

To preserve and improve the residential character of the Falmouth Heights and Maravista neighborhoods.  To protect and enhance our beaches, parks, estuaries and other public spaces. To encourage activities that promote civic pride and the healthful and peaceful enjoyment of our neighborhoods.  To provide a forum to identify concerns affecting our neighborhoods, make relevant information available to our members, and address areas of concern with appropriate Town bodies.


TO READ ABOUT the SouthCoast Wind (formerly Mayflower Wind) Project, click here: SouthCoast Wind Project Information.  To Donate to our SouthCoast Wind Fund, click on the button in the left column or after entering the dedicated page.

TO READ PAST NEWS, click on dates under “Annual Archives” (left column, scroll down).

FACEBOOK:  Check out and “like” our FaceBook page!

EVENTS (hosted by FHMNA or in our focus area) August 2024 – July 2025:

FALMOUTH FIREWORKS:  July 4, 2025, Heights Beach.  
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL BEGINS:  June 15, 2025, see Map of Focus Area and  To Join or Renew page for online and mail-in application.
ANNUAL CLEANUP:  April, 2025, TBD.  Open to the public as part of the Town sponsored cleanup weekend. RSVP to events@fhmna.org
CAPE COD MARATHON: Sunday, October 13, 2024.  Click here to see the route map.
FALL SOCIAL:  Sept. 29, 2024 BRUNCH, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM, The Coonamessett Inn.  By invitation to members with RSVP required.
ASICS FALMOUTH ROAD RACE: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 8:40 a.m.  See www.falmouthroadrace.com. Also, the week before the race, see falmouthpolice.com/ for traffic closure information.
ANNUAL MEETING:  Saturday, August 3, 2024, 915 AM (doors open at 9 AM), Hermann Room, lower level of the Falmouth Public Library.  See FHMNA 2023 Annual Meeting APPROVED Minutes. Click here for the 2024 08 03 AGENDA Annual Mtg.

EVENTS (hosted by FHMNA or in our focus area) August 2023 – July 2024:

FALMOUTH FIREWORKS:  July 4, 2024 Heights Beach. For information regarding road closures, click here.
SPRING SOCIAL: June 23, 2024 BRUNCH, 10:30 AM – Noon, The Coonamessett Inn.  By invitation to members with RSVP (to come).
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL BEGINS:  June 15, 2024, see Map of Focus Area and  To Join or Renew page for online and mail-in application.
ANNUAL CLEANUP:  April 27, 2024, 9 AM – Noon.  RSVP to events@fhmna.org and meet at the Heights Ball Field.  FHMNA provides bags, grabbers and safety vests; please bring your own gloves.
FALL SOCIAL: Cancelled due to inclement weather. (All 3 dates: September 23, 24 and 29, 2023).
ASICS FALMOUTH ROAD RACE: Sunday, August 20, 2023.  See www.falmouthroadrace.com. Also see the Falmouth Police Department Race Information page for information including road closures.
ANNUAL MEETING:  Saturday, August 5, 2023, 8:15 a.m. Location: Falmouth Yacht Club.  See FHMNA 2022 Annual Meeting APPROVED Minutes.

Director Openings

2 Directors, terms ending 7/31/25
4 Directors, terms ending 7/31/26
1 Director, term ending 7/31/27
2 Alternates, annual terms