To Join or Renew

August  – July Membership

* Annual Membership Year: August 1 –July 31 (renewal period opens every June 15)

* Current members may renew any time and will receive a reminder in June with our newsletter.

* New members who enroll May through July will immediately begin their membership which will continue through the end of the next annual year.

If you have questions before joining, please email and we will have one of our Board members contact you.

If you are uncertain if your street falls within our boundaries, please check our 2024 updated Focus Area Map.

Membership Dues:
Individual  $20  (1 vote at Annual Meeting; 1 email address)
Family       $30  (2 votes at Annual Meeting; unlimited # of emails)

(FHMNA is a a 501(c)4 tax exempt “social welfare organization”. Dues and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.)

If you would like to donate to our General Fund or our Mayflower Wind Fund, please click the button below. It opens to “General Fund”. Click on the drop down menu to click on  “Mayflower Wind”.


Click on Complete Membership Registration, fill out the form and then click on “Submit” at the bottom of the page (which will bring you to PayPal).

If you have any problem with this, i.e. the “Submit” button does not show up or you are not connected to PayPal, try using a different browser.  Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox  should work.  SAFARI usually does not work.


Click on FHMNA Member Application, print and mail it to the address below. (If you are a new member or renewing earlier than June 15, 2024, your membership will begin immediately and carry you through July 31, 2025).


Email:  Members who submit an email address will receive notice whenever we post a new article and will receive occasional emails during the year announcing any Town or community meetings or information of relevance to our area (typically once or twice a month).

If you do not have email yourself, we encourage you to add one of a friend or relative who can pass the information on to you.

Annual Meeting:  Although anyone may speak at Annual Meeting, the first Saturday in August each year, only paid members may vote.

Annual Parties:  Members are invited to our annual Spring and/or Fall parties.  See our website Home Page “Events” section for details.

Newsletters: We are now communicating directly with our members on a continual basis through email and have discontinued our twice a year newsletters.  However, past newsletters from the 1980’s through 2022 are available at newsletters and brochures.


Our mailing address is:
PO Box 43
Falmouth, MA 02541