FHMNA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting to host an informational presentation by Mayflower Wind on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 7 p.m.
See below the Zoom instructions (and www.fhmna.org) for background information.
Please submit your questions in advance to info@fhmna.org to ensure that they will be addressed at the meeting.
Click on this link to access an EMF Fact Sheet provded by Mayflower Wind.
Join Zoom Meeting at this link on January 27 at 7 p.m.:
Meeting ID: 879 2012 8511
Passcode: 925880
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Meeting ID: 879 2012 8511
Passcode: 925880
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Mayflower Wind is in the early phases of planning an 804-megawatt wind farm located 30 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard on the Atlantic Coast Outer Continental Shelf. The Mayflower Wind lease area is described as 80-100 wind turbines spaced by a 1×1 nautical mile grid with an offshore substation and onshore substation along with an interconnection switching station including an underwater transmission line to land with an underground and above ground transition line to Bourne, then into the electric grid.
A possible onshore area is under the Falmouth Heights beach and through Worcester Court.
In September, 2020, 0 Grand Avenue was approved by the Conservation Commission to conduct limited, localized geotechnical boring investigations for the purpose of supporting the planning and design of a proposed Horizontal Directional Drilling landing of a submarine export cable in Falmouth.
In October, 2020, the Select Board approved 100-foot-deep boring tests in the Falmouth Heights beach parking lot at the end of Worcester Avenue to gather data on the soil conditions. The horizontal directional drilling method to install the cable would involve installing it deep beneath the near shore and beach areas similar to the method used by Comcast and Eversource at Mill Road.
The project has a long way to go, with regulatory and permit processes over the next couple of years. The wind farm could start generating alternative energy by the end of 2025 or 2026.
Of concern are the effects of electromagnetic fields and the health and safety of the proposed high voltage transmission line close to residential and recreational areas as well as the impact to the historic area.
Don’t forget to submit your questions in advance to info@fhmna.org to ensure that they will be addressed at the meeting.