Traffic Advisory Committee Decisions Relevant to FHMNA

Minutes: September 16th, 2019

1. Old Business:

C. Request to add “Caution Children” signage or similar on Mass Court. Additional request to discuss the possibility of adding a crosswalk crossing Grand Ave. at Mass Ave.

TAC: Recommends caution children signage near 29 Mass Ave. Crosswalk not recommended. TM signed and referred to DPW for action.

R. Request for No Parking signage at the beach end of Priscilla St.

TAC: Recommends approval and referral to DPW to work with residents to determine appropriate sign location. TM signed and referred to DPW for action.

V. Request for stop signs on Jericho Path and Lucerne Ave.

TAC: Recommends adding a “Yield” sign on the West intersection of the triangle island on Lucerne Ave. The TAC also recommends adding a “Stop” sign on the East intersection. Finally, the TAC recommends adding “caution children” signage on Lucerne Ave. near the Lake Leaman intersection. TM signed and referred to DPW for action.

2. New Business:

F. Request for a crosswalk and stop sign be added on Worcester Ct. and Nantucket Ave.

TAC recommends that a stop bar be painted on the road surface of Nantucket Ave.