FHMNA Annual Spring Clean-Up Saturday, April 27, 2024, Report With Photos

Over twenty-five members of the Falmouth Heights Maravista Neighborhood Association met at 9 AM on Saturday, April 27, 2024 for coffee and donuts before heading out to pay homage to Mother Earth by cleaning up the streets, parks, cliffs, bluffs and sidewalks of the Falmouth Heights and Maravista neighborhoods.

Several members who participated commented after completing a couple hours of work that the number of discarded nips was noticeably fewer than in years past as were the once too familiar pale blue face masks that punctuated the landscape during COVID-19. As for food wrappers, cans, empty pint bottles, scrap pieces of wood siding, numerous cigarette butts, occasional pieces of clothing including a pair of underwear, and several filled doggie bags there was plenty to pick up; yet, overall the litter scene seemed somewhat lighter than previous spring clean-ups which is overall good news.

Additional good news is that the police officer on duty in the Heights Saturday morning stopped and gave the two youngest litter pickers, Rafael and Sylvan, Law Enforcement Challenge Coins.

The DPW Department picked up the bagged litter by Sunday morning.

This FHMNA annual spring rite was organized by FHMNA President David Buzanoski, Treasurer Greg Mazmanian and member Mary Jo Bradley.

FHMNA members gather at the edge of the ball field in Falmouth Heights before launching their Annual Spring Clean-Up.
Clean Up Committee members David Buzanoski (FHMNA President) far right and Greg Mazmanian (FHMNA Treasurer) far left handing out territory assignments to several litter pickers.
Clean Up Committee member Mary Jo Bradley, far right.



One of his sons shows observers the Challenge Coin he received for good work done. 
Felix Pitre with his two sons Rafael and Sylvan picking up
Director Bruce Buch and wife Hedy on their way out.
Ready for DPW pickup.