For your information, on 7/29/22, we received the following email from our Falmouth Select Board Chairperson with respect to our ongoing opposition to Mayflower Wind’s intended cable routing through the Falmouth Heights neighborhood:
Hello Mr. Buzanoski:
The Select Board was notified today that Mayflower Wind has temporarily suspended their application to come to Falmouth.
Nancy Taylor, Chair, Falmouth Select Board
Please see the Town Mayflower Wind website page and scroll down to read:
Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) Review:
UPDATE July 29, 2022: Mayflower Wind has filed a motion to temporarily suspend its EFSB petition for landfall in Falmouth. This administrative motion is to reflect a change to HVDC transmission cables and to include analysis on alternate landfalls at the request of the Town administration. While a timeline to resume proceedings is not known at this time, Mayflower has communicated that they expect to resume the process in the coming months.
This Town webpage includes a number of interesting links. You might want to make it a “favorite”.
We should also not forget that there are five other “wind farm” lessees south of Martha’s Vineyard who will be looking to bring their cables ashore in New England.
At least this is temporary good news for our cause and we shall continue to watch Mayflower’s next steps very closely as to their cable placement intentions and will continue to update our Mayflower Wind Project Information page as needed.