The Falmouth Enterprise published an article âOffshore Wind Granted Access for Studiesâ in its Friday, November 13, 2020 edition, pages 1 and 12 and also online. The article detailed the discussions at the Select Boardâs meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020 and also quoted some of the 78 emails received by the Select Board, including one from FHMNA President Dave Buzanoski.
The Mayflower Wind presentation and other items are on the Town website Select Board Meeting Packet for the meeting. Scroll to pages 69 through 145 to see the presentation and supporting information.
The article was less detailed but still worth reading.
The article in the Cape Cod Times mirrors the Falmouth Enterprise article, but has some additional information.
Lastly, the meeting itself is now on YouTube. Scroll to 1:51:50 through 3:01.