Name Calling Insulting – 2/3/23 Enterprise Letter to the Editor (Carol Ziemian)

This letter is in response to the letter to the editor, “NIMBY By Any Other Name,” that appeared in the January 27 edition of the Enterprise. The writer seems to be more interested in name calling than the “cons and pros” of the Mayflower Wind project that has proposed to land industrial-sized electric cables under one of two landing sites in the densely populated residential shoreline area recognized as Falmouth Heights, a New England gem.

Mayflower proposes that their cables run under the sand of one of these two beach sites and then under the green of one of the two parks across the street, and then run them through the streets of Falmouth to a substation a substantial distance away.

The breadth of this project touches the entire town, not only privately owned back yards. Maybe instead of resorting to name calling, the writer could consider doing some research to better evaluate the magnitude of the impact that this project could have on the entire town. For more than a century Falmouth has been recognized as a coastal tourist area benefitting the town’s coffers and many visitors, residents, small business owners, and those seeking a healthy environment by offering recreation, fresh air and therapeutic ocean water.

In his letter the writer accuses those “opposing Mayflower Wind’s proposed land connection” of being nimbies and says, “there are a great many ways to spell NIMBY.” But in truth this is not about backyards. It is about our town. It is about protecting unfettered public places—beaches, parks, and roadways—and continuing to provide access to these to the people of Falmouth and beyond and not to a big non-American corporation that aims to profit from transforming our shoreline at the expense of our town and her residents without regard.

Opposing Mayflower Wind’s proposal is about putting the people first. It is about keeping “Falmouth the Beautiful.”

Carol Ziemian
Amherst Avenue
Falmouth Heights