Helmis Circle 40B continued to February 11, 2021 for final decision. (edited 2/3 Fal Enterprise article link)

The Zoning Board of Appeals met on Thursday, January 21, 2021 after reviewing the large package from the developers at their prior meeting on December 3, 2020.

There were a few comments from individual members of the ZBA who would have preferred 24 units rather than 28, to decrease the density, but that is now a moot point as the 40B project has been approved by the town and the state. It was generally agreed that the changes proposed in December make this development more attractive than the original plans. See a detail of these changes on our website.

The ZBA closed the hearing and made a MOTION to instruct the ZBA Administrator to draft the decision allowing the modifications as requested including the ZBA approved conditions to include one of the “modified” ranch homes to be designated as an affordable unit and one of the remaining “base Capes” that is affordable to include a “bonus room”.

The ZBA Administrator clarified that:

1) the previous ZBA decision referenced landscaping plans but the styling has now changed, so new landscaping plans will be needed for the record,

2) these are all individual lots, so require individual deeds, and

3) the comprehensive permit is filed at the registry with each deed so that individual owners and their successors, and any future ZBA members or town employees, understand that there are limitations to any future changes to the property.

A final ZBA vote shall be taken after review of the draft by both the ZBA and developer on February 11, 2021 for a final decision.

See the Falmouth Enterprise article “Helmis Circle 40B Project Moves Ahead” published online on February 2, 2021.