2018 FHMNA Annual Meeting DRAFT Minutes are now available on our website.
Answers to questions posed at the Annual Meeting 8/4/18, provided by Sargent Jim Cummings, Police Liaison to the Heights and Maravista ([email protected]
or 774-255-4527 x4561):
Golf Carts. Golf carts and other “Low Speed Vehicles” can now be registered and are assigned special LV plates by the Registry. These vehicles are subject to some restrictions in addition to the established “rules of the road”. They must also be operated by a licensed driver. If anyone has any concerns regarding the operation of a golf cart on public streets they should call the non-emergency number (774-255-4527), so that we can go out and address the issue.
Neighborhood Watch: The term “neighborhood watch” has become a generic term that has many definitions based on the communities in which they exist. In Falmouth, our neighborhood watch program is also referred to as the Community Liaison Program. Approximately 30 neighborhood groups across town work with Liaison Officers in order to address issues and concerns. There are several other neighborhood watch program models in use across the country. In the past, members of FHMNA have inquired about enhancing the current program to include “citizen patrols” etc.
Sgt. Guthrie, coordinator for the FPD Community Liaison Program, can provide some resources for expanded programming. However, the administration of these additional programs would be left to the association. Sgt. Guthrie can be contacted via email at [email protected].
2018 FHMNA Bylaws, as revised per the vote taken at the Annual Meeting, are now posted on our website.
Route 28 Master Plan: Some of our members have asked us at our Annual Meetings if we have information about the changes anticipated on Route 28 between Friendly’s and Stop and Shop. Because both the interchanges at Falmouth Heights Road and 28 and at Worcester Ave and 28 are the main entrances to the Heights, we thought we should email the following link to you. This is posted on the Falmouth town website and is a 72 page detailed plan for the Town of Falmouth provided in 2016 by McMahon Associates (Transportation Engineers and planners).
As this vicinity is outside our “focus area”, FHMNA will not be tracking the story as it unfolds. Please watch for relevant stories in the Enterprise, and relevant town meetings of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals on the town’s agenda web page. You can also subscribe to receive automatic email notifications of agendas for any/all town committees.