Selectmen Allow Outdoor Entertainment at the Silver Shores Shanty

On Monday, 3/16/15, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) reviewed the Silver Shores Shanty Seasonal Entertainment License and granted them an outdoor license for one musician, live (not recorded), guitar/piano, reduced amplification, 4:00-7:00 PM, 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays only).

If you would like to watch the meeting, it is on FCTV at   After clicking on the arrow in the center of the video to ‘play’, at the bottom of the video scroll to 46:40.

For the Enterprise article posted 3/24/15, click on this link:

For the Enterprise op ed article “Troy’s Take: Shanty Deserves A Local Chance”, see

For the FHMIA rebuttal to “Troy’s Take”, the Enterprise Letters to the Editor, “Take Issue With Take On Shanty – Letter”, see—letter/article_88805984-d968-11e4-acf1-63ceb90b2ac1.html