We plan to hold our annual Spring Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 24th, 2021, barring any new COVID-19 restrictions.

As in the past, we will congregate at the Falmouth Heights Ball Field, at 9 AM, for coffee and donuts, albeit wearing masks and social distancing. By this time, many of us may have been vaccinated, further minimizing our risk.

If you are concerned about social contact, when you sign up please ask to obtain your assignment in advance in order to undertake your clean up on your own. Otherwise, assignments will be handed out at the ball field where bags and grabbers will be available.

To sign up, please contact us at [email protected]. Type the full name of each volunteer and also your street address if you would like to be assigned to your own neighborhood.

Dave Buzanoski , Greg Mazmanian, MaryJo Bradley
Clean-Up Committee