Enterprise Editorial re. FHMNA Mission Statement & SouthCoast Wind published 3/31/23

The below editorial appeared in the 3/31/23 edition of The Falmouth Enterprise titled “Thinking About A Mission Statement” criticizing FHMNA’s position on SouthCoast Wind’s cable intentions via Falmouth Heights. President Dave Buzanoski will be responding with a letter to the editor this week, and should others feel compelled to comment they should feel free to …

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SouthCoast Wind – Enterprise 3/24/23 Articles and Letters to Editor

ARTICLES FROM THE FALMOUTH ENTERPRISE, 3/24/23 “SouthCoast Meets With Residents, Answers Questions”, page 1 & 12 “SouthCoast Wind Environmental Report Draws Divergent Views”, page 3 “Bad Move For Falmouth” by Bruce Buch, page 4 (Article 15, SouthCoast Con) “A Small But Important Step”, by Rosemary Carey page 4 (Article 15, SouthCoast Pro) LETTERS TO THE …

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Bristol Beach Fence

Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a photo of the new fence at Bristol Beach completed a few weeks ago.

SouthCoast Wind: Falmouth Enterprise articles and Letters to the Editor: 3/17/23, 3/10/23 and 3/3/23

Articles from 3/17: “SouthCoast Wind Needs Town’s Permission, Officials Say”, pages 1 & 14. “Feds To Hold Public Hearings On SouthCoast Wind”, page 9. “Cape Cod Aggregates SouthCoast Wind Site”, page 14. “Lawrence Lynch SouthCoast Site”, page 14. Letters to the Editor from 3/17, pages 4-6: “Invitation Disingenuous”, David Buzanoski, FHMNA President “Exchanging Windward Views”, …

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ATTEND VIRTUAL MEETINGS or MAKE COMMENTS: SouthCoast Wind publishes Draft Environmental Impact Study

On 2/17/2023, SouthCoast Wind (a.k.a. Mayflower Wind) published in the Federal Register their DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement). The Notice of this publishing commences a 45-day public comment period with the federal BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) which ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on April 3, 2023. BOEM will hold three virtual public hearings …

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ARTICLE 15 – Indefinite Postponement Recommended by the Select Board

On Monday, 2/27/23, the Select Board upheld their decision of December 19, 2022 by voting 4-1 to recommend that ARTICLE 15 of the April Town Meeting be “indefinitely postponed”. However, ARTICLE 15 will remain on the Town Meeting warrant to be discussed by Town Meeting Members. From the Falmouth Enterprise, Tuesday Early Edition on 2/28/23 …

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Letters to the Editor, Falmouth Enterprise 2/24/23, pages 4-6

“Say No To SouthCoast Wind” – David Buzanoski, President, Falmouth Heights – Maravista Neighborhood Association (The Enterprise changed the title of this letter emailed to FHMNA members on 2/22/23 from the original “Sticks and Stones”.) “Yes On Article 15” – Donald F. Mallinson, East Falmouth “SouthCoast Bad Actor” – Edward F. Jalowiec, Falmouth Heights “Recenter …

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SouthCoast Wind Answers Questions Raised at the June 8, 2023 Select Board Open Forum

The following information was posted on the Town website Select Board page on February 23, 2023 SouthCoast Wind (formerly Mayflower Wind) Responses to Questions Raised-Falmouth Public Forum 06/8/22 SouthCoast Wind (formerly Mayflower Wind) has submitted responses to questions raised at the Falmouth Select Board Public Forum held June 8, 2022. SouthCoast Wind (formerly Mayflower Wind) …

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