Falmouth Property, LLC, the owner of record of the property which currently includes the British Beer Company (BBC) and the Seaside Inn, will appear before the Falmouth Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) on February 3, 2011 seeking a modification to their recently modified parking plan/requirements.
In 1999, the property’s original parking plan filed with the Town included in excess of 40 parking spaces to be shared by the two business entities. For years, ALL of the parking spaces in the lot were dedicated exclusively to the Inn, leaving NONE for patrons of the BBC. As a result of continued pressure from the FHMIA, the ZBA held a hearing in 2009 during which it was revealed that the original parking plan was inaccurate. There were never in excess of 40 spaces. At that 2009 hearing, the ZBA approved a revised parking plan submitted by the property owner. The revised, more accurate plan contained a maximum number of spaces of 37, some striped/lined and some unlined, which required a valet to direct or to park vehicles behind one another. Twenty-one of the spaces were to be dedicated to the Inn, and 16 to the BBC.
Since the date of the approval of their own revised plan, the BBC has consistently failed to adhere to that plan and has been in violation of their special permit.
The BBC is now proposing a parking plan that eliminates the requirement to have a valet and also dedicates ALL of the parking spaces on the property for the exclusive use of the Inn and NONE of the spaces for the patrons of the BBC. Last week, the BBC presented this plan to the Falmouth Planning Board. The Planning Board declined to support this plan. On February 3, 2011, the BBC will appear before the Falmouth Zoning Board of Appeals to seek approval of this plan. We will be in attendance at that meeting and intend to encourage the ZBA to decline to approve the BBC’s proposed plan.
The FHMIA Board of Directors is of the opinion that:
- The best remedy for the BBC’s lack of compliance with their approved parking plan is NOT to eliminate the requirement to comply with their own parking plan.
- Providing patron parking is a valid pre-condition to the BBC being granted a special permit to operate in a residential neighborhood.
- The proposed re-revised parking plan is inconsistent with FHMIA bylaws. The proposed plan does not “preserve and improve the residential character of the Falmouth Heights and Maravista neighborhoods.” The proposed parking plan does not “discourage traffic detrimental to the area, misuse of property and activities inconsistent with the healthful and peaceful enjoyment of residing in the community.”
The Board urges all members to share their thoughts regarding the BBC’s revised parking plan. All are encouraged to attend the ZBA meeting on February 3, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. For those who cannot attend the meeting, please take a moment and write to the ZBA at either:
[email protected] or Falmouth Zoning Board of Appeals
59 Town Hall Square
Falmouth, MA 02540