Updates: Meet with Sen. Fernandes 1/28 & Outfall Pipe Borings to start in Feb.

Senator Fernandes – Listening Tour

As may have been noted in the most recent Falmouth Enterprise, Senator Dylan Fernandes has scheduled a “Listening Tour” to “connect with his neighbors” and will be in Falmouth on Tuesday, January 28th, from 3:30 to 5:00pm in the Herman Meeting Room of the Falmouth Public Library.

Sen. Fernandes is a Democrat who represents the Plymouth and Barnstable district and was born in Falmouth.

This meeting will afford members a unique opportunity to raise issues of concern to our State Senator including, but not limited, to the matter of the SouthCoast Cables.

We encourage members to attend this meeting and to engage with Sen. Fernandes.

Waste Water Outfall Pipe

The Water Quality Management Committee (WQMC) advises that final Army Corps of Engineers approval has been granted and test borings, as previously discussed, one in the Kite Park and the rest offshore, are tentatively to be undertaken in February 2025. Further information will be provided as available.