Traveling Vendor(s) in the Heights

Per the discussion at our Annual Meeting on 8/2/2013, we asked Jim Cummings, our police liaison, to look into the issue of traveling vendors in our area.  The following is his reply:

“The enforcement of Hawker/Peddler licenses does fall under the police department. 

There is one licensed peddler that has been known to use a bicycle/trailer set-up both in Woods Hole and in the Heights.  The business name is “Wears Woody”, however, the license is for a specific individual and not for the business itself.  If it is observed that several different persons are hawking/peddling using the same business, that would be a violation since only one permit exists. In addition, it is illegal to conduct hawking/peddling within 500 feet of a beach or parking lot operated by Falmouth Beaches during the summer months. 

All licensed peddlers must wear a permit on the outside of the clothing as to be visible at all times.  If you suspect any violations of these rules please let me know and I will advise the day shift for proper enforcement.”

If you notice a vendor not displaying a proper license or operating within 500 feet of the beach, we encourage you to report your observation to Officer Cummings at [email protected] or 508-457-2527 x630.  Detailed information (time, place, photo) is always helpful.