Letters to the Editor, pages 4-7, regarding the FHMNA Mission Statement as referred to in the Enterprise Editorial published on 3/31/23; Article 15; SouthCoast Wind; & whales/windmills.
There were 13 Letters to the Editor in The Falmouth Enterprise on 4/7/23. Many were informative as well as interesting, so we have included some excerpts to give you the gist. We encourage you to seek out the full letters by clicking on each title (links) to read the full content.
“Keep Falmouth Nice” by Thomas Farley (Tower House Road, West Falmouth)
…why is it so difficult to understand that many residents of Falmouth do not want the SouthCoast Wind project to make landfall anywhere in Falmouth? …in residential neighborhoods. This is not a NIMBY argument; we care about the entire town. You pay polite lip service to the association’s “perfectly worthy mission statement,” then go on to criticize it as being not relevant in this instance. Perhaps the select board should adopt a similar mission statement for the entire town: “…to protect the beaches and parks; to preserve its residential character; and to promote peaceful enjoyment of our neighborhoods.” …that seems pretty consistent to the old bumper sticker we’re all so proud of: “Isn’t Falmouth Nice?”
“Shameful Mongering” by Gregory Mazmanian (Miami Avenue, Falmouth Heights)
…why a community newspaper, whose own tag line is “Devoted to the Interests of the Falmouth Community,” would find it good journalism to target an association, individuals and even town leadership in its editorials. The Falmouth Heights – Maravista Neighborhood Association was founded in 1889, around the same time as the Enterprise. It has worked diligently through its volunteers to deliver the promise of its mission, but also protect the gem that all residents enjoy throughout the year. I would challenge you to understand the deep facts of SouthCoast’s plan for Falmouth and not just scratching the surface.”
“Superficial Statement” by Jeanne Seligowski (Worcester Court, Falmouth Heights)
It appears that you may have some inside knowledge as it relates to ‘the modest, temporary negative impacts of onboarding South Coast’s electric cable… Perhaps you could deploy your investigative talent in querying SouthCoast as to why the following appendices in their public Construction and Operation Plan in the docket, BOEM-20-0011-0001, are confidential, hence disabled for public review” (see list in full letter)
“Uninformed Editor” by FHMNA President David Buzanowski who did not use the word “uninformed” in his text which he originally entitled “A New Game in Town”. The Falmouth Enterprise penned the new title calling its Editor uninformed. FHMNA emailed the full text to members 4/5/23.
“Don’t Freak Out” by Barry Funfar (Ridgeview Drive, Falmouth) printed but not posted online.
If there is profit to be made, Royal Dutch Shell will get the wind farm built regardless of this town allowing a landfall and electric substation.
“Protect Graveyard” by Dean Fachon (West Falmouth Highway, West Falmouth)
I oppose the SouthCoast Wind project, and I vehemently oppose building an electrical conversion substation next to Oak Grove Cemetery. [a registered National Historic Landmark and an established town treasure… The relentless low-level hum from this station would intrude on the cemetery’s cherished serenity as well as the peace and quiet of our neighbors 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year… not unlike that which necessitated the decommissioning and removal of the windmills off Brick Kiln Road.
“Preserve Neighborhood” by Mike Galis (Russell Road, Falmouth Heights) printed but not posted online.
If cables must come through Falmouth, there are several places where infrastructure can connect to Route 28 directly from the ocean without impact to residential neighborhoods. For example, Waquoit Bay in Falmouth.
“Neighbor Supports Wind” by Lucy B. Young (Hamilton Street, Teaticket)
I urge Falmouth residents to consider the facts of changing climate over the emotional rhetoric of current SouthCoast Wind discussions. 2016 Paris climate agreement was nonbinding, unenforceable and unheeded. A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that our planet is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade… Climate change is also disrupting the jet stream causing reroutes, longer flight segments, more turbulence and more fuel consumption… It is time to move ahead with the SouthCoast Wind.
“Climate Action Now” by Elizabeth R. Beardsley (Spencer Baird Road, Woods Hole)
Two weeks ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—the United Nations body responsible for assessing the science of climate—issued its Sixth Assessment Report. The IPCC emphasizes the increasing availability of solutions to achieve the needed “deep, rapid and sustained reductions” in greenhouse gas pollution. The Town of Falmouth has a unique opportunity to be on the right side of history.
Letters to the Editor regarding proposed Outfall Pipe
“Outfall Optimal” by Rockwell Geyer (Blacksmith Shop Road, East Falmouth)
Having spent my career studying the influence of tidal currents on water quality, I can confidently state that Vineyard Sound is an outstanding location for an ocean outfall. The dilution of Falmouth’s treated wastewater in Vineyard Sound, even if the entire town were sewered, would be so effective that its impact on nitrogen levels in the sound would be nearly imperceptible.
“Slow on Outfall” by Andrew R. Solow (Quissett Ave, Woods Hole)
…that project only went forward after long and careful study of its potential environmental impacts. …it’s a mistake to evaluate any outfall based solely on a projection of its normal operation. It’s dead certain that either the sewage treatment plant or the outfall will occasionally fail. It’s too early to say what the potential consequences of a failure would be around here, but it seems better not to wait till it happens to find out.
“Fast on Outfall” by Mark Rasmussen (Buzzards Bay Coalition, president, New Bedford)
Article 25… aims to do two things: 1) Bring much-needed sewer service to the Teaticket-Acapesket neighborhoods, and 2) Send that sewage to the Town wastewater treatment plant in West Falmouth and then discharge it to the ground upgradient of West Falmouth Harbor and Herring Brook. Falmouth has a lot of important sewering to do. The problem is that this approach threatens one place in order to clean up another. It should be rejected. The Town of Falmouth has been here before. Don’t let the town make the same mistake again. The article will lead to new pollution… Thirty years of water-monitoring data for West Falmouth Harbor can be viewed on the Buzzards Bay Coalition website. The horrible state of West Falmouth Harbor is a testament to the bad decisions made by the Town… The Buzzards Bay Coalition urges Town Meeting voters to Vote No on Article 25…
Letter to the Editor regarding whales and windmills
“Stop The Damage” by Thomas Stone (Old Campus Drive, East Falmouth)
The largest threats to our oceans are not from wind turbines. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has falsely claimed that recent whale deaths are caused by wind turbines. …there is no evidence for it. The two dominant causes of whale deaths are ship strikes and rope and net entanglements. The largest threat to oceans, and consequently whales, are continued CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. Locally, the Gulf of Maine and Cape Cod Bay are among the fastest-warming ocean water bodies in the world. Fossil fuel combustion and CO2 emissions are the largest threats to ocean and marine ecosystem health today.