Select Board approves Shipwrecked amended Entertainment & Road Race Post Party Licenses on 6/21/21

FHMNA President Dave Buzanoski, on behalf of the FHMNA Board, supported Shipwrecked’s outdoor dining and entertainment, but expressed the Board’s concern that “the volume level must be reasonable and not offensive to neighbors and community.”  Read his full statement here.

FHMNA Director Paula Lichter spoke for herself, as a neighbor, listing prior precedents and reading wording from the entertainment licenses issued to Bad Martha’s Brewery and the Falmouth Yacht Club.  She also mentioned the discussion held by the Select Board during the 2020 Black Dog entertainment hearing. She specifically asked that the Select Board “add to the Shipwrecked license similar language: limiting the volume to not exceed the perimeter of the property. The music is for the benefit of the patrons, not the neighbors nor those at the beach, park or ballfield.” Read her full statement here.

Doug Brown, Select board Chair, asked Shipwrecked owner, Alex Khan, and manager, Rob Mullen, for their feedback.  Both responded that they had no problem with the request and could locate the musician(s) centrally in the courtyard area.  They reiterated that the music will be acoustic and “nothing crazy”.

Select member Nancy Taylor thought the request was reasonable.  Megan English-Braga asked for people to be reasonable in light of coming out of a year of COVID.  Music helps to draw people, but given the long history of entertainment in the Heights, neighbors have concerns.

The Select Board voted unanimously to amend the license which now reads (bolded sentence is the amendment):

Building must be so insulated that all (Ed: Indoor) entertainment, musical or otherwise, will not be heard outside the building. Monday-Saturday 11:00 am – 1:00 am; Sunday: 11:00 am to 12:00 am.

OUTSIDE ENTERTIANMENT – to be acoustic solos or duets only, from 2:00 – 8:00 pm Monday – Sunday.  Outdoor music will not extend beyond the property line.

For any general questions and/or concerns, please email owner Alex Khan at [email protected]. He is very open to hearing from everyone about anything. His goals include creating a positive, open relationship with the neighborhood.  Please direct any complaints which might need immediate action to either the owner, Alex Khan or the manager, Rob Mullen, at 508-540-9600.

POST ROAD RACE PARTY license was approved with the understanding that this was the same as parties approved previously by the Select Board held by the British Beer Company at the same location.  No community input. Approved by other appropriate Town departments.