Little Pond Service Area (Sewer) & Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan, including the widening of Bournes Pond Inlet, Town Meetings Spring 2015 and Spring 2014

At the recent 2015 Spring Town Meeting, a Falmouth citizen petitioned to rescind part of the funding which was passed at the 2014 Spring Town Meeting. The links to watch both meetings, and the minutes posted online at are included below.

The discussion of this article included, in part, possible benefits of widening the Little Pond inlet, effects of future sea rise, the entire south shore area and the 10 year Coastal Resources Working Group study, available online at .

Of interest is a 2012 report, “Inlet Widening”, available online at edited to include a link to the Final Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (9/16/2013, though stated on their link as 9/16/2014).

2015 Spring Town Meeting  (scroll to about hour 1:33 through 2:13)

Shall Town Meeting vote to rescind the Funding in article 28 (Spring 2014) For the Bournes Pond Inlet Widening, as the Benefits appear Questionable? On request of Marc Finneran.

VOTED: By a failed declared majority vote, a quorum being present on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 the Town voted not to pass Article 14.

2014 Spring Town Meeting
(scroll to about minute 25:00)

ARTICLE 27:  (ed. Little Pond Service Area)
To see if the Town will vote to determine in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws c. 83, s. 23 (the Betterment Act) whether it shall pay the whole or a portion of the cost of laying out and constructing a sewer collection system for the Little Pond Service Area; and further if the Town determines to pay a portion, what portion shall be paid, or do or take any other action on the matter. On request of the Board of Selectmen.

RECOMMENDATION (Board of Selectmen): That seventy (70%) percent of the cost of the collection system be recovered from abutters under the Betterment Act and thirty (30%) percent of the cost of the collection system and all other related costs of the project be paid by the Town.

EXPLANATION: The Board has the authority to apply the betterments after all project costs are committed and a public hearing held for the same purpose. The betterment will occur no earlier than 2017 and likely later. The Town has adopted a fiscal policy to sustain the tax levy effort. A betterment apportionment of 70% allows the Board flexibility to sustain the tax effort without causing a related increase in the tax levy.

VOTED: By a declared majority vote, a quorum being present on Wednesday April 9, 2014 the Town voted that seventy (70%) percent of the cost of the collection system be recovered from abutters under the Betterment Act and thirty (30%) percent of the cost of the collection system and all other related costs of the project be paid by the Town.

ARTICLE 28: (ed. Wastewater Management Plan)
To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of funding engineering, design, construction, and other related costs to implement the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and related projects including: Little Pond sewer service area; wastewater treatment plant improvements; discharge area site 7; Bourne’s Pond inlet widening; and the Woods Hole Infiltration/Inflow project; and to determine how the same shall be raised and by whom expended, or do or take any other action on the matter. On request of the Board of Selectmen.

RECOMMENDATION (Finance Committee): That the sum of $49,820,000 is appropriated to pay costs of engineering, design, construction, and other related costs to implement the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and related projects including: Little Pond sewer service area; wastewater treatment plant improvements; discharge area site 7; Bourne’s Pond inlet widening; and the Woods Hole infiltration/Inflow project; and that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, all or any portion of this amount may be borrowed through the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust. No sums shall be borrowed or expended hereunder unless and until the Town shall have voted to exclude the amounts required to repay any borrowing authorized by this vote from the limitations of Chapter 59, section 21C of the General Laws (also known as proposition 2 ½).

EXPLANATION: The projects proposed in this article are the result of over a decade of study of how to address the deteriorating water quality in Falmouth’s coastal ponds. These fifteen estuaries, extending from Waquoit Bay to Megansett Harbor define our community, and they need our help. The estuaries restoration plan that the town has adopted calls for sewering only where absolutely necessary and concurrently pursuing promising innovative alternatives. This plan has received the unanimous support of the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee. The plan has been before Town Meeting and on the town election ballot for funding twice in the last three years, each time winning strong support. The price tag is high, but it is manageable. The town expects to qualify for a zero per cent (0%) State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for these projects. Betterments paid by property owners in the new sewer service area will go toward reducing the debt, the town intends to pay for these projects with no increase in the property tax levy.

VOTED: By a counted vote of 152 in favor and 42 in opposition, a quorum being present on Wednesday April 9, 2014 the Town voted the sum of $49,820,000 is appropriated to pay costs of engineering, design, construction, and other related costs to implement the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and related projects including: Little Pond sewer service area; wastewater treatment plant improvements; discharge area site 7; Bourne’s Pond inlet widening; and the Woods Hole Infiltration/Inflow project; and that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bond s or notes of the Town therefor, all or any portion of this amount may be borrowed through the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust , and further, that this appropriation shall be expended under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen. No sums shall be borrowed or expended hereunder unless and until the Town shall have voted to exclude the amounts required to repay any borrowing authorized by this vote from the limitations of Chapter 59, section 21C of the General Laws (also known as proposition 2 ½) and further, that this appropriation shall be expended under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen.