As Heights and Maravista residents we love our community treasures. We are surrounded by beautiful beaches with wonderful vistas overlooking Vineyard Sound.
Every year, and even during the pandemic, Falmouth Heights – Maravista Neighborhood Association (FHMNA) members have filled huge garbage bags with litter found in the brambles, streets and beach parking lots of our community.
Last year, members attacked the litter individually, but this year COVID guidelines allowed 30 participants to gather on Saturday, April 24 at the Central Park Ballfield for social distanced coffee and donuts before we began our clean-up efforts. Teams of pickers then worked for about two hours to clean assigned areas of litter. Notably, plastic bottles, nip bottles, cigarette butts, disposable face masks, doggie cleanup bags, as well as general windblown paper trash seem to dominate our collection effort. Twenty plus bags of trash were then collected and dropped off at a DPW designated collection site.

Overall, we want to thank all of our volunteers, many of whom also clean up litter on their daily walks through the Heights and Maravista.
We are proud of our community and pleased to have left it cleaner than we found it on April 24.
See the Falmouth Enterprise, 4/20/21, page 8, “Neighborhood Group Holds Cleanup”, or online