In coordination with Litter Free Falmouth’s town wide clean-up effort on the weekend of Dec 4 – 5, 2021, FHMNA will hold its Fall Clean Up Day on Saturday, Dec 4 (rain date Sunday Dec 5).
Weather permitting, volunteers will meet on the Heights Ball Field at 9am Saturday morning where clean up locations will be assigned and volunteers can pick up trash bags, safety vests, grabbers and some gloves. (Note: many volunteers have preferred to use their own gloves in previous years).
Coffee, warm cider, and donuts will be provided by your FHMNA.
Come and join us on your morning exercise walk and help clean up our neighborhood at the same time. If all goes well, with a sufficient number of volunteers, we should complete our clean up tasks within 1 or 2 hours.
Please reply or email directly to “[email protected]” to volunteer.
Clean Up Committee,
Dave Buzanoski and MaryJo Bradley