Falmouth Select Board Hosts Public Forum on Mayflower Wind Proposal (Media Release & link to Enterprise Article)

The Falmouth Select Board has published the Media Release below concerning the June 8th Public Forum regarding the Mayflower Wind project.  The Enterprise published an associated article in the Friday, 5/20, print version, page 1 & 12)

We encourage all concerned members to attend this Forum to demonstrate our overwhelming opposition to the onboarding of their offshore cables in Falmouth Heights.

If you cannot attend the meeting, email the Select Board directly.

The forum can be viewed on YouTube.

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May 17, 2022

Falmouth Select Board Hosts Public Forum on Mayflower Wind Proposal

Lawrence School Auditorium, 113 Lakeview Ave., Falmouth
Wednesday, June 8th @ 6:00pm

The Falmouth Select Board seeks public input on a proposal submitted by Mayflower Wind to bring an underground electric transmission cable from offshore wind turbines to a substation in Falmouth. The Select Board is in the process of evaluating the proposal and has not made a decision to support or oppose the project. Mayflower Wind representatives will be in attendance to give a brief presentation and respond to questions from the public.

Additional information regarding the Mayflower Wind proposal is available on the following websites:

• Town of Falmouth: https://www.falmouthma.gov/1298/Offshore-Wind—Mayflower-Wind (or browse to www.falmouthma.gov and enter ‘Mayflower’ in the search field).

• Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/mayflower-wind-1

• Mayflower Wind: https://mayflowerwind.com/

For More Information:
Town Manager’s Office
[email protected]